2,315 research outputs found

    Accurate construction of transition metal pseudopotentials

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    We generate a series of pseudopotentials to examine the relationship between pseudoatomic properties and solid-state results. We find that lattice constants and bulk moduli are quite sensitive to eigenvalue, total-energy difference and tail norm errors, and clear correlations emerge. These trends motivate our identification of two criteria for accurate transition metal pseudopotentials. We find that both the preservation of all-electron derivative of tail norm with respect to occupation and the preservation of all-electron derivative of eigenvalue with respect to occupation {[Phys. Rev. B {\bf 48}, 5031 (1993)]} are necessary to give accurate bulk metal lattice constants and bulk moduli. We also show how the fairly wide range of lattice constant and bulk modulus results found in the literature can be easily explained by pseudopotential effects.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev

    Polarized Gamma-ray Emission from the Galactic Black Hole Cygnus X-1

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    Because of their inherently high flux allowing the detection of clear signals, black hole X-ray binaries are interesting candidates for polarization studies, even if no polarization signals have been observed from them before. Such measurements would provide further detailed insight into these sources' emission mechanisms. We measured the polarization of the gamma-ray emission from the black hole binary system Cygnus X-1 with the INTEGRAL/IBIS telescope. Spectral modeling of the data reveals two emission mechanisms: The 250-400 keV data are consistent with emission dominated by Compton scattering on thermal electrons and are weakly polarized. The second spectral component seen in the 400keV-2MeV band is by contrast strongly polarized, revealing that the MeV emission is probably related to the jet first detected in the radio band.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Science in April 22nd 2011, available on Science Express Web site (March 24th edition

    Taxing International Portfolio Income

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    Most analyses of the taxation of international income earned by U.S. corporations or individuals have addressed income from direct investments abroad. With the exception of routine bows to the international tax compromise and sporadic discussions of the practical difficulties residence countries face in collecting taxes on international portfolio income, the taxation of international portfolio income generally has been ignored in the tax literature. Analysis and reassessment of U.S. tax policy regarding international portfolio income is long overdue. The amount of international portfolio investment and its role in the world economy has grown exponentially in recent years. In most years since 1990, the total market value of U.S. persons\u27 foreign portfolio investments has exceeded the value of U.S. corporations\u27 foreign direct investments, and the total amount of U.S. taxpayers\u27 foreign portfolio income has exceeded their income from foreign direct investments. Cross-border portfolio investments are no longer a tiny tail on a large direct-investment dog. International portfolio investments now playa major role in the world economy, a role quite different from that played by foreign direct investments. We can no longer afford simply to assume, as we have in the past, that the way the United States taxes the latter is obviously appropriate to the former. Instead we must ask explicitly what tax policy for income from portfolio investments best serves our nation\u27s interest. That is the task we undertake here

    Spectral state dependence of the 0.4-2 MeV polarized emission in Cygnus X-1 seen with INTEGRAL/IBIS, and links with the AMI radio data

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    Polarization of the >~400 keV hard tail of the microquasar Cygnus X-1 has been independently reported by INTEGRAL/IBIS, and INTEGRAL/SPI and interpreted as emission from a compact jet. These conclusions were, however, based on the accumulation of all INTEGRAL data regardless of the spectral state. We utilize additional INTEGRAL exposure accumulated until December 2012, and include the AMI/Ryle (15 GHz) radio data in our study. We separate the observations into hard, soft, and intermediate/transitional states and detect radio emission from a compact jet in hard and intermediate states, but not in the soft. The 10-400 keV INTEGRAL (JEM-X and IBIS) state resolved spectra are well modeled with thermal Comptonization and reflection components. We detect a hard tail in the 0.4-2 MeV range for the hard state only. We extract the state dependent polarigrams of Cyg X-1, which all are compatible to no or undetectable level of polarization except in 400-2000 keV range in the hard state where the polarization fraction is 75±\pm32 % and the polarization angle 40.0 +-14 deg. An upper limit on the 0.4-2 MeV soft state polarization fraction is 70%. Due to the short exposure, we obtain no meaningful constraint for the intermediate state. The likely detection of a >400 keV polarized tail in the hard state, together with the simultaneous presence of a radio jet, reinforce the notion of a compact jet origin of the 400 keV emission.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Degradation and reuse of radiative thermal protection system materials for the space shuttle

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    Three silicide coated columbium alloys and two cobalt alloys were subjected to identical simulated reentry profiling exposures in both static (controlled vacuum leak) and dynamic (hypersonic plasma shear) environments. Primary emphasis in the columbium alloy evaluation was on the Cb752 and C129Y alloys with a lesser amount on FS85. Commercial silicide coatings of the R512E and VH109 formulations were used. The coated specimens were intentionally defected to provide the types of coating flaws that are expected in service. Temperatures were profiled up to peak temperatures of either 2350 F or 2500 F for 15 minutes in each cycle

    Optical-to-optical interface device

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    An investigation was conducted to develop an optical-to-optical interface device capable of performing real-time incoherent-to-incoherent optical image conversion. The photoactivated liquid crystal light valve developed earlier represented a prototype liquid crystal light valve device capable of performing these functions. A device was developed which had high performance and extended lifetime

    Variability in high-mass X-ray binaries

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    Strongly magnetized, accreting neutron stars show periodic and aperiodic variability over a wide range of time scales. By obtaining spectral and timing information on these different time scales, we can have a closer look into the physics of accretion close to the neutron star and the properties of the accreted material. One of the most prominent time scales is the strong pulsation, i.e., the rotation period of the neutron star itself. Over one rotation, our view of the accretion column and the X-ray producing region changes significantly. This allows us to sample different physical conditions within the column but at the same time requires that we have viewing-angle-resolved models to properly describe them. In wind-fed high-mass X-ray binaries, the main source of aperiodic variability is the clumpy stellar wind, which leads to changes in the accretion rate (i.e., luminosity) as well as absorption column. This variability allows us to study the behavior of the accretion column as a function of luminosity, as well as to investigate the structure and physical properties of the wind, which we can compare to winds in isolated stars.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichten (proceedings of the XMM-Newton Workshop 2019

    Simultaneous multiwavelength observations of V404 Cygni during its 2015 June outburst decay strengthen the case for an extremely energetic jet-base

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    We present results of multiband optical photometry of the black hole X-ray binary system V404 Cygni obtained using Wheaton College Observatory's 0.3m telescope, along with strictly simultaneous INTEGRAL and Swift observations during 2015 June 25.15--26.33 UT, and 2015 June 27.10--27.34 UT. These observations were made during the 2015 June outburst of the source when it was going through an epoch of violent activity in all wavelengths ranging from radio to γ\gamma-rays. The multiwavelength variability timescale favors a compact emission region, most likely originating in a jet outflow, for both observing epochs presented in this work. The simultaneous INTEGRAL/Imager on Board the Integral Satellite (IBIS) 20--40 keV light curve obtained during the June 27 observing run correlates very strongly with the optical light curve, with no detectable delay between the optical bands as well as between the optical and hard X-rays. The average slope of the dereddened spectral energy distribution was roughly flat between the ICI_C- and VV-bands during the June 27 run, even though the optical and X-ray flux varied by >>25×\times during the run, ruling out an irradiation origin for the optical and suggesting that the optically thick to optically thin jet synchrotron break during the observations was at a frequency larger than that of VV-band, which is quite extreme for X-ray binaries. These observations suggest that the optical emission originated very close to the base of the jet. A strong Hα\alpha emission line, probably originating in a quasi-spherical nebula around the source, also contributes significantly in the RCR_C-band. Our data, in conjunction with contemporaneous data at other wavelengths presented by other groups, strongly suggest that the jet-base was extremely compact and energetic during this phase of the outburst.Comment: 15 pages, 2 tables, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap